Identify the most important themes in Earnings Calls that are driving returns for global companies.
Capture Earnings Call insights that move markets for every stock in your investment universe. Leverage deep thematic sentiment to pinpoint positive vs. negative calls, quickly see the biggest themes from a call, and identify earnings winners versus losers.
Alexandria Earnings Calls sentiment generates 10x more alpha than peers in the market.
Loughran McDonald
Societe Generale shows Alexandria Earnings Calls Q&A and Management Discussion (“MD”) to be the two highest performing factors over a 10-year period.
Alexandria Call QA
Alexandria Call MD
Alexandria Earnings Call sentiment classification delivers strong absolute returns and a Sharpe Ratio in excess of 1.4 for Large Caps Equities.
Programmatically evaluate topics and sentiment across your investable universe
Access 20+ years of historical data and real time data on over 1.7 million company corporate events worldwide
Enhance your investment processes with a factor proven to add meaningful alpha
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