Read Every Financial Document in Seconds

Never miss information for your stocks

Financial documents analyzed for you

Text organized by entities, themes, key words, with information one click away.

Instantly Identify Major Themes

Instantly Identify Major Themes
  • Track themes for a universe of stocks
  • Identify trends for themes over time
  • Drill down into companies for particular themes

Compare Insights from Different Media Channels

Alexandria classifies sentiment and themes for all document types, from long form reports to social media. This allows users to analyze various media channels for information.  

Earnings Call

Earnings Call

Deep thematic sentiment for 1.7M+ global corporate events from FactSet

Company News

Company News

News insights that move markets from premium publishers like Dow Jones



Protect positions by monitoring chat rooms and blogs

Capture earnings sentiment that moves markets

Capture earnings sentiment that moves markets
  • The top 100 earnings call sentiment companies outperform the S&P 500 by 5.5%
  • The bottom 100 earnings sentiment companies underperform the S&P 500 by 4.9%
  • Negative sentiment companies have much higher volatility

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