Harness Macro News for a Global World

Monitor macroeconomic events in the world’s economies

Capture Macroeconomic News
Insights that Generate Alpha

Leverage deep thematic sentiment to pinpoint positive vs. negative macroeconomic news and quickly see the biggest themes. Identify out and underperformers across countries, interest rates, commodities and currencies.

Leverage Economic Sentiment
to Anticipate Market Moves

Alexandria economic sentiment is predictive of market movements. As illustrated in the chart below, our economic sentiment has an extremely high batting average, providing a strong indicator of positive and negative shifts.

Leverage Economic Sentiment <br>to Anticipate Market Moves</br>
  • Positive Economic Sentiment

  • Negative Economic Sentiment

  • S&P 500

Key Benefits

Programmatically evaluate topics and sentiment across your investable universe

Programmatically evaluate topics and sentiment across your investable universe

Access 20+ years of historical data and real time data going forward

Access 20+ years of historical data and real time data going forward

Enhance your investment processes with a factor proven to add meaningful alpha

Enhance your investment processes with a factor proven to add meaningful alpha

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